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Custom Share Module 0.1dev




  • column chooser for reports...different reports will be critical... especially for file upload for using tiki as a homework tracker...
  • add files to tracker while filling out the tracker... Now you've got to add the file after the fact... too many steps... tracker could be used as a homework correction tool!
  • ordering tracker item columns
  • permitting multi-choice from drop-down menu
  • placing a comment on individual tracker fileds. Ex.: checkbox comment which let's you click yes but also add a comment that this feature is available as an addon.
  • using xfml for trackers
  • when modifying tracker fields which already have data, there should be an error message.
  • when trackers are in view table, it would be nice to mass update. ex.: checkboxes.
  • text area fields (in a tacker), and maybe text fields as well, should be interpreted as other wiki pages, thus allowing for referencing other pages.
  • Trackers are very powerful and flexible. But people may not really know how to set up. I suggest some default trackers to start with (bugs, tasks, etc)



Competition and standards

Yahoo Group's database feature is similar

I've done some rough testing on Tracker's scalability. All results here are relative, but I feel are still an indication of some sort. I did this as I have a concern that large tracker DBs are going to prove to be very slow.

RecordsNum of Queries UsedFirst TimeSecond TimeThird Time


  • Records - are the number of items in the tracker
  • Num of Queries Used - this is the figure reported by Tiki at the bottom of every page after each refresh
  • First Time - this is the Execution Time as reported by Tiki after first page refresh (assuming data is not cached)
  • Second Time - this is the Execution Time as reported by Tiki after second page refresh (assuming data is cached)
  • Third Time - this is the Execution Time as reported by Tiki after third page refresh (assuming data is cached)

Maximum number of records in listings setting under Admin / General was set to 1000. Each test was simply refreshing the page viewing the tracker.


CVS Doc section


ktest 2004/05/13 17:00 : Is someone selling Trackers? : http://www.taskspro.com/

Also, please see attached file

screengrabs of alternative object creator

Through trackers creation of new objects?


See also the Fossfa-Db database module

Page last modified on Saturday 27 November 2004 07:55:45 GMT-0000