Having different 'categorised' pages in one Structure
Hi - I'm trying to create some help pages for a group of users that each have different permissions so the 'depth' of help that they need is different. Ideally I would like to manage this as a single Structure and limit access for each Group to only those pages that are relevant to them.
To try to do this I have set up an appropriate set of hierarchical Categories and have started to build the Structure with a toc added to each page - adding further child pages for more in-depth help and categorising these deeper pages to the appropriate Groups.
This works at a basic level ie permission is denied appropriately, but the problem I am having is that when logged in as a user with 'lesser' permissions and therefore in a 'lower' Category the toc's on each page still show the pages that are in higher Categories. In addition the Structure navigation tools at the top of the page click through to (or at least try to) the pages this 'lesser' user cannot access.
Is there a more elegant way of using tocs and Structures with pages in multiple Categories so that each Categorised user only sees the toc'd pages they have access to, and the Structure navigation skips pages denied to them?
If Tiki cannot do this at present (I'm using 2.0) does anyone else think this would be a useful Feature - if so I would like to add it to the Wish List.
Would appreciate any/all thoughts.